Workplace Injury Prevention Tips For 10 Common Injuries

As a business owner, you’ve spent years building a staff that does their work well and coordinates as a team. Anything that threatens that balance—such as a workers comp claim—should be avoided.

Workplace accidents and injuries not only affect your insurance premiums, they can have a devastating impact on productivity. Workplace injury prevention is just good business practice.

Here are the 10 most common workplace injury examples, plus some steps you can take—as an employee or a supervisor—to avoid tragedy and maintain a safe work environment.

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Can I Get Workers Comp For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Can I Get Workers Comp For Carpal Tunnel?

Has your job become a pain in the…wrist?

Filing workers comp for carpal tunnel can give you the time you need to recover.


There are some parts of your body that you never pay attention to…unless they’re bothering you. The carpal tunnel in your wrist is one of those parts.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common work-related injuries among American workers. And if you’ve ever experienced the pain, numbness, tingling, or discomfort of this condition, you know that it can be very difficult to maintain the same quality of life at work or at home.

But can you get workers comp for carpal tunnel? In this article, we’ll address these questions (and a few more) to give you a better understanding of the relationship between carpal tunnel and workers compensation. Read more

Report Your Workplace Injury (Even If You Don't Pursue a Case)
Report Your Workplace Injury (Even If You Don’t Pursue A Case)

You’re probably going to be fine…

But here’s why you should report your workplace injury anyway.


No matter where you work or what industry you work in, workplace injuries are more common than you think.

People slip and fall, machinery malfunctions, doors swing open, and more. In fact, some of the most benign occurrences—like electric shocks and carpal tunnel syndrome—are among the most common work-related injuries and don’t always happen in manual labor industries.

When an injury seems small and inconsequential, it feels natural to go about your business without reporting it. After all, no one wants to enter a legal battle with their employer.

But reporting your injury isn’t only about pursuing a claim. It’s about protecting yourself, your peers, and your employer from future accidents or lawsuits.

Read on as we discuss why.

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Most Common Workplace Injuries By Industry
Most Common Workplace Injuries By Industry

There is always the possibility of injury, no matter what industry you work in.

Little cuts, nicks, and bruises happen daily in certain industries. However, some injuries can leave you lying on your back, with a leg in traction and no work to return to.

Workplace accidents can happen in a variety of industries, although they are more common in some than others. This blog post will examine the most common workplace injuries by industry. Read more

Overexertion Symptoms to Watch For
Overexertion Symptoms To Watch For

Give it all you’ve got. Shoot for the moon. Push yourself.

These are all common motivational encouragements that we say to others and ourselves to reach the best results, either at the gym or the workplace.

But there are a few reasons that it might not be the best advice after all. Read more


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