How Soon Should I Contact a Lawyer After a Workplace Injury
How Soon Should I Contact a Lawyer After a Workplace Injury?

“I’ve filed a claim and gotten medical care…”

“…How soon should I contact a lawyer after a workplace injury?”


As an injured worker, you want to do whatever it takes to make sure your workers compensation claim goes as smoothly as possible. And over and over again, you’ve heard that the best thing you can do to ensure the best outcome is to hire a workers comp lawyer.

But when is the best time to start talking to attorneys? What if you don’t end up needing one?

This guide will give you a better understanding of when (and why) to hire a workers compensation lawyer. Read more

When will workers comp offer a settlement?
When Will Workers Comp Offer a Settlement?

You have questions about workers compensation…we have answers.

Wondering “When will workers comp offer a settlement?” or “Should I even accept this offer?” Here’s everything you should know.


Whether you work in a warehouse or an office, we all run the risk of suffering a work injury or illness. Fortunately, if you suffer an injury at work, workers comp covers things like medical expenses and lost wages.

Sometimes, this means that your lost wages are reimbursed and your medical bills are covered by your employer’s insurance company. Other times, it comes in the form of a single lump sum settlement.

But you’ve got bills to pay. When will workers comp offer a settlement?

If you’re anticipating a settlement offer, there’s a lot more to consider than the timeline.
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What Happens If I Get Fired While On Workers' Comp?
What Happens If I Get Fired While On Workers Comp?

It’s difficult to focus on recovery when your job is in jeopardy.

In this article, we answer the question, “What happens if I get fired while on workers comp?”


Many injured employees find themselves unable to complete their regular job duties. As a result, they are either put to work in a different capacity or forced to stay home until they have recovered.

But if this has happened to you, you know that sitting at home watching daytime television is not always the paradise it’s cracked up to be. Mounting bills, difficulty getting around, and a heavy dose of stress may even have you itching to get back to work again.

In fact, you may be very busy asking yourself, “Am I going to be fired for this?”

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When Should I Report My Workplace Injury?
When Should I Report My Workplace Injury?

Waiting to file a workers’ comp claim can be hazardous.

Here’s when to file a workplace injury.


There’s never a “convenient” time to suffer an injury at work, but it seems like there are always a hundred reasons not to make a big deal of it.

Perhaps you’re in line for a big promotion. Or maybe you have a vacation or holiday scheduled and you don’t want to rock the boat. Many injured workers are left pondering the question, “When should I report my workplace injury?”

The workers’ compensation program has been a lifesaver for millions of Americans, yet every day, people harm their chances of a successful settlement because they waited too long to report their injuries. Read more

What If My Employer Doesn't Have Workers Comp?
What If My Employer Doesn’t Have Workers Comp?

As an employee, workers compensation provides a lot of value.

So what if your employer doesn’t have it?


If you’re injured on the job, it’s comforting to know that workers comp can help take care of medical bills and wage reimbursement. But what if your employer fails to carry it?

Understanding your rights as an injured worker is the first step toward getting the care you deserve.

Whether or not your employer is legally obligated to provide workers compensation insurance coverage, you do have rights. Let’s take a deeper dive into uninsured employers to give you a better idea of how we approach your case. Read more

How Long Does Workers' Comp Last?
How Long Does Workers Comp Last In Florida?

Many employees rely on workers comp to provide them with assistance in the event they are injured at work. While some injuries are relatively simple with no long-term side effects, others take years to recover from (if at all).

So how can you be sure that you will receive workers compensation benefits long enough to fully recover from your injuries? How long does workers comp last in Florida?

At The Law Office of Brian D. Tadros, it’s important to us that all injured workers are given accurate information regarding their workers compensation claim so they can make educated decisions.

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We proudly provide statewide legal services for the handling of Florida workers’ compensation cases.


The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any matter.  Using this site does not form an attorney/client relationship.

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