Is Workers' Comp Taxable?
Is Workers Compensation Taxable?

Your workers comp benefits are designed to replace your income…

…but is workers comp taxable?


You already know that you have to pay taxes on most forms of income: salary, inheritance, lottery winnings, and even game show prizes. But where do your workers’ comp payments come in?

Workers’ compensation payments are designed to replace any wages you might have lost as a result of a workplace accident or illness, but these benefits are a significant reduction from your previous paycheck. Will you have to give Uncle Sam his cut and lose even more money?

In short, you want to know: “Is workers compensation taxable income?” The short answer is “no,” workers compensation benefits are not taxable. But we need to explain it to you in depth because there are some exceptions. Read more

Light Duty Jobs For Injured Workers

A permanent injury doesn’t have to end your career.

Here’s how to find light duty jobs for injured workers after your claim has been settled.


Being injured on the job is challenging enough, even more so when you are unable to return to your regular position.

When this happens, you are faced with one of two possible outcomes—either your authorized treating physician will tell you to stay home to recover or they will allow you to return to work with restrictions.

Also known as “modified duty,” light duty jobs allow you to continue working without putting your recovery at risk. But there is a lot more to consider than which jobs you may be assigned.

In this article, we’ll discuss what you can expect from light duty work, as well as how to accommodate permanent injuries after your claim has been settled. Read more

Leave a paper trail when reporting your workplace injury
Leave A Paper Trail When Reporting Your Workplace Injury

When it comes to reporting a workplace injury, it is not as simple as just telling your side of the story and collecting a check.

Employers and insurance companies alike have been known to pull some questionable tactics to avoid having to file or pay out on a workers compensation claim.

While this makes it seem as though you’re fighting a losing battle, there is one thing you can do to strengthen your side of the case. All it takes is leaving a sufficient paper trail that fully documents the details surrounding your workplace injury. Read more

How to Survive Working Retail During the Holidays [10 Tips]

It’s beginning to look a lot like…COVID.

The 2020 holiday season is going to look a little different this year. Here are some tips on how to survive working retail during the holidays…in the middle of a pandemic.


Whoever said that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year has probably never had the unique opportunity of working retail during the holidays.

And when you throw a global pandemic into the mix? Let’s just say that this year’s holiday season is going to be a little more hectic than usual.

But whether you’re a seasonal employee or a retail pro, there are a few things you can do to stay safe and make your time on the sales floor a little easier.

Here are 10 tips for preventing illness and injury while working retail during the holidays. Read more

Retail employee holiday survival guide

For retail employees and workman’s compensation cases, it’s the most risky time of the year, right? Malls are open longer hours, stores are competing with online retailers and employees are stretched thin.

We’ve already discussed the higher risk of retail injuries such as cuts and lacerations at holiday time, which can result in workers’ compensation claims. The Law Office of Brian D. Tadros P.A. holds free consultations with retail employees who are injured on the job; we know the kinds of conditions under which they work. Read more


We proudly provide statewide legal services for the handling of Florida workers’ compensation cases.


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