Disputes are common among workers’ comp cases.
Here are the steps to take if you want a second opinion on your workers’ comp injury.
When it comes to healthcare, most Americans are used to being able to choose which doctor they see.
Even when insurance companies require you to select from their in-network providers, you typically have myriad options to choose from. So it might come as a surprise to find that the insurance company is responsible for choosing the authorized treating physician in your workers’ comp claim.
But does that mean you can’t request a second opinion?
Florida’s workers’ compensation law does provide you the opportunity to get a second opinion if you are not satisfied with the treatment your authorized treating physician is giving you. However, we don’t call it a “second opinion.” It is called your “one-time change in treating physicians.”
Maybe you feel that the doctor is siding with the insurance company rather than listening to your concerns. Perhaps you’re simply not getting any better, despite lengthy treatment. Alternatively, you might think that your doctor’s recommendations are too aggressive and you’d like to see if a gentler approach would be effective.
Whatever your reasons for considering seeking an alternate medical opinion, you are entitled to understand your rights in your workers’ comp case. In this article, we’ll explain various options available to you for getting another medical opinion from a workers’ comp doctor.
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